Things You Should Know About Studying in Canada

Things You Should Know About Studying in Canada

Canada is one of the top developed nations globally for opportunities offering professionals the right path to grow in several industries. Students with an ambition to study in Canada must understand the legal, documentation, skills, and investment associated with visa permission from the Canadian authorities.

Canada can be a completely new challenge, especially for students looking to embark on a new journey in life. Here are the facts and essential things that one should know about starting their education in Canada.

Selecting the current program and university

Depending on your choices, there are hundreds of programs and universities that one can opt-in. Several fields are there that you must choose. You can take the help of counselors to know more about the scope and opportunities for specific courses. Universities generally offer two years and four years of courses for students. Admission procedures are often long and mixed with a lot of paperwork. So make sure you follow them to the point to avoid any pitfall later.

Most of the universities have an international department to help you with communication. They can help you in case of any query and selection procedure. And these department sends successful students the acceptance letter to start their learning curve ahead.

There are also various research and training institutes in Canada. Students with interest in analysis, experimentation, and want to be part of the nextgen technologies can choose the right course to help accomplish their dreams.

The education system in Canada has three intake duration for students with January, May, and September months for admission in universities. Admission procedure for candidates can start up to 5 to 6 months earlier. While applications can start from 1 year or more before the commencement of the programs. On successful acceptance, you can apply for a student visa and start the legal process to kick start education in Canada. So students have a lot of time to make their decision and finalize the best fit course based on skills and interests.

Application Procedure

Each college or university has a specific admission procedure that you should get complete information. Students must take help from a counselor in filling the form precisely and avoid getting rejected for obvious reasons. Most of the consultants fill these forms and offer the right guidance in keeping students aware of the whole admission procedure. Other documents along with form include a resume, a letter of intent, proof of language proficiency, academic reference that may vary from college to college.

Eligibility and selection depend on several factors. Students must apply for multiple colleges in case of a rejection. A counselor can help them in the process of selecting colleges with courses to match their skills and interest to help them build a bright career for tomorrow.

Language: On the language front, Canada follows English and French so students can choose the learning curve in one or both. IELTS and TOEFL both options are accepted at the national level. You can also connect with college and counselors about selection criteria for college or university. There are also language courses that students can opt and get their grades up to match international standards.

Work: The government also allows students to work visas while learning to help them with their finances. Students can work up to 20 hours per week during the sessions and 40 hours for the scheduled breaks. And if one gets the opportunity to work in a Canadian company then you can further extend the living arrangements to match the requirements.

Finances: Another essential step is to prepare financially. Education in developed countries such as Canada can be quite expensive. Authorities will ask for proof of financial stability at the time of visa approval. You can also opt for an educational loan to manage your finances and pay after only a specific duration.

Along with college fees, students also need to manage the standard of living with accommodations and food in the country. You can connect with a counselor to get exact figures and find some good location to help you settled for a smooth learning curve in a foreign country.

The government also doesn’t provide any medical or health insurance for students. You can discuss more health options with education counselors from a specific college from college or local counselors to avoid any pitfall later.

Study Permit

The Canadian government offers study permits for international students learning in the country. Students need to have complete documentation to apply for this permit. The list includes university acceptance letter, character certificate, health certificate, financial proof, passport, identity proof, and a letter of explanation. You must check documentation thoroughly and have a professional correct them to verify on all aspects. You should clear the issues to avoid going through the unnecessary delays from the authorities.

Permanent Residency

Study in Canada can also open you to a path of permanent residency. Post Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) empowers students to then apply for a longer work permit after they have completed the course. The length of the stay is a crucial factor for a work permit in Canada. For a shorter program of eighth months, students get to stay back time of 8 months, a 1-year program will give you a 1-year work permit while a 2-year program can offer a prolonger work visa for 3years accordingly.

As per immigration rule, you need to stay at least three years in the country to apply for residential benefits in the country. Counselors can help you prepare in filing application, guidance for work opportunities, state-wise benefits, and all other international benefits to accomplishing your dream to stay in a foreign country.

Canada represents a multi-cultural society with students coming from around the world. Boasting as one of the top education systems, Canada is among the best choices for students in several aspects with economic stability, successful industries, a high level of research and development for future technologies.

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